Our value proposition with the Launch of Telco is that
🎉 *Cleverea insurance customers have the best Telco tariff price in Spain
chepeast as of 2023, in context A,B,C*
With the proposition, the following cases can occurr:
- 1st customer has an Insurance with Cleverea & 2ndly purchases a Telco contract → apply a % discount in Telco tariff so it is the cheapest (by configuration) of the market. In order to avoid “surprises” in Cleverea finance, we should apply the discount only to the fixed price and if monthly invoice has an extra cost, it is fully assumed by customer.
- 1st is Telco customer & 2ndly purhcases a Cleverea insurance → Discuss if a discount should be applied to the Telco tariff or to the insurance tariff. Margot’s opinion is to offer the discount in the Telco tariff as Cleverea will be “informing” all over the website “si eres cliente de Cleverea seguros tienes la tarifa más barata del mercado en telco”
- Purchases telco with best price in Spain but then leaves Cleverea insurance → should we remove the discount?
- Opt1. Maintain the discount for the remaining period (till the year of contract), we will review in renewal period (for Telco) if there are insurances to maintain the price or not.
- Opt2. Inform the user when cancelling that Telco tariff will increase at the next invoice (next month).
Open topics:
- [ ] discount applies at infinitum or has some ending?
- [ ] if user leaves Clevrea insurance, should we remove the discount in telco?
- [ ] ….